Pagan: Fate of Roanoke

Quantity: 8

Pagan: Fate of Roanoke is a two-player card game where you and a friend get to play a tense game of cat and mouse. One of you is the Witch, secretly trying to complete a spooky ritual, while the other is the Witch Hunter, trying to figure out who the Witch is before it's too late.


You'll play on a board that represents the Roanoke colony, with nine villagers who could be the Witch in disguise. Each of you will have your own special cards and tricks to use to move around the board and mess with your opponent. The Witch wants to gather enough secrets to finish their ritual, while the Witch Hunter is trying to collect clues to figure out who the Witch really is.


It's a game where you both have different goals and different ways to win, so it's all about outsmarting each other and using your sneaky tricks to come out on top!


Get your copy now and you can also get a set of cool wooden bits. Or come in and play our Library copy. This game has a whopping 8.0 rating on

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